Risti Syifa Arsenalholic

Create your badge
y!m: ristii.lopemessi
twitter: @ristigooner49 (just mention me to follow you back)
formspring: /ristigooner49
ask.fm: /ristigooner49
plurk: /ristigooner49 (i dunno where my karma is ^^)
looklet: lookietalkiegooner
facebook: facebook.com/ristigoonermooi
kaskus: ristigooner49 (newbie, jarang update :P)
instagram: ristigooner49
line: ristigooner49
BlackBerry messenger pin: ask me
another stuffs of mine:
http://www.ohyes8.co.cc (group)
any suggestions? or wanna be my friend?
contact me with the above list or send me a message ristisyifa.fabregas4@gmail.com. SPAMS are not accepted.
Risti Syifa' Fadhillah (Kim Rigeun)
Risti Syifa Arsenalholic

Create your badge
y!m: ristii.lopemessi
twitter: @ristigooner49 (just mention me to follow you back)
formspring: /ristigooner49
ask.fm: /ristigooner49
plurk: /ristigooner49 (i dunno where my karma is ^^)
looklet: lookietalkiegooner
facebook: facebook.com/ristigoonermooi
kaskus: ristigooner49 (newbie, jarang update :P)
instagram: ristigooner49
line: ristigooner49
BlackBerry messenger pin: ask me
another stuffs of mine:
http://www.ohyes8.co.cc (group)
any suggestions? or wanna be my friend?
contact me with the above list or send me a message ristisyifa.fabregas4@gmail.com. SPAMS are not accepted.
Risti Syifa' Fadhillah (Kim Rigeun)